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Plastic Arts Course of the Superior School of Fine Arts of Porto, 1980. Master in Set Design 86/88 by the Boston University, U.S.A. Assistant Professor in the Arts and Crafts Department of E. S. E. of the Polytechnic Institute of Oporto. Between 1971/81 works as a graphic designer in the Newspaper "Jornal de Notícias" of Oporto. Since 1965 he has participated in more than a hundred theater productions, dance, and cinema, as an actor, director and mainly as a set designer. Participation in numerous collective exhibitions.




1981- First Prize in the Public Tender for the Acronym of the SOPETE Company, Póvoa de Varzim;

1985- First Prize in Painting, in the "Free Theme" modality, National Exhibition of the International Year of Youth and Music Commemorations, organized by the Cooperativa "Artistas de Gaia" and Gaia's Town Hall in the Museum Teixeira Lopes in V. N. Gaia;

1999 - Honorable Mentions in the following awards: National of Design Isolino Vaz, C.M.G., and National of Painting "António Joaquim - Artists of Gaia", 3rd Edition;

2001- BCP Acquisition Prize at the XI Biennial of Vila Nova de Cerveira;



2008 - "Soren Kierkegard's immediate erotic states" by Agustina Bessa-Luís with direction by Roberto Merino, Seiva Trupe, November, Oporto;

2010 - "The END" by António Patrício with direction by Victor Zambujo, CENDREV, January, Teatro Garcia de Rezende, Evora; Décors for the movie "Red Eyes", directed by Paulo Rocha and produced by Gafanha Filmes, Lda, (09/10), Ovar, Oporto and Lisbon;

2011/12 - Set design / Décors for the movie "If I were a thief, I would steal", with direction of Paulo Rocha and production of Gafanha Filmes Lda, Ovar, Porto;

2015- "The Guardian Angel" by Roberto Merino, direction by Jaime Soares, NAPALM, February, V. N. Gaia; "Oratória do Vento, Legend of Santa "Mary Egyptian", by Vergílio Alberto Vieira, direction of Rui Madeira, Teatro Circo, CTB, November, Braga;

2016- "Still the Last Jew and the Others", script and direction by Abel Neves, July, Theatro Circo, CTB, Braga; "The Maids" by Jean Genet, direction by Rui Madeira, November, Theatro Circo, CTB, Braga;

2018- "Humidity" by Barbara Cólio, direction by Rui Madeira, Theatro Circo, CTB, March 27, Braga; "The Woman Before" by Roland Schimmelpfennig, staging by Toni Cafiero, Theatro Circo, CTB, October, Braga;



2008- "Sácoras", wood and iron sculpture, Avenida das Tílias, Jardins do Monte Aventino, January, Oporto; Exhibition of Video Installment, "Summon Spirits", in Esteta 7 Gallery / For love of art, March, Oporto; Participation in the "workshop plintoposters", April 25, V. N. Cerveira; Placement of a panel, embossed in fiberglass, on a gable of Hotel Maianga, Luanda, 27 m x 4.80 m x 1.25m, December, Angola;

2009- Painting Exhibition at the Art Gallery at the Cais, January / February, Oporto; Photogallery exhibition at the National Photo Center of Torre La Vega, Spain;

2010- Photo Gallery Exhibition, "Next Page" at the El Torco Gallery, Suances, February and March, Spain; Exhibition of Engraving and Drawing, "SULCOS", in BiblioCafé, Intensidez, May, Évora; Exhibition of Painting, "90-AC-09", Galleries of the Municipal House of Seia Culture, July / August, 2010;

2011- Painting the doll for the "Snoopy Parade", July / August, Lisbon; Making of a Tapestry (Iron, Net, Wire and Muselet Plates, 300 cm x 300 cm) and three Objects / Sculptures (Wood, Iron and Stainless Steel, 1910 mm x 585 mm) to the living room of the Caves of Murganheira ; Exhibition "Traces", at the Anjos Teixeira Cultural Center, November, Funchal, Madeira; Participation in the 8th Edition of the Amadeo de Souza-Cardoso Prize, Oct / December, Amarante;

2012- Sculpture in wood and iron, Gardens of the Cooperativa Árvore, June, Oporto; Sculpture / Installation, video, "Summon Spirits", Santillana with 5 senses - Feria del Oido, September and October, Espacio Express, Spain;

2013- Participation as guest artist with several Video Arts in the Exhibition of SBPC (Brazilian Society for Science), held at UPFE (Federal University of Pernambuco), July, Recife, Brazil;

2014- Participation as guest artist with an Eculture / Installation, "Summon Spirits", at the Exhibition "LLAVES", House of Cantabria, January, Madrid, Spain.

2015- Exhibition of Painting / Drawing, " Traces", Oporto Oriental Gallery, March, Oporto; Exhibition of Paintings, "Earth Cloths", Monastery of S. André André de Ancêde, May / August, "Douro Art Fair", Baião;

2018- Photogravure Exhibition, ESG / Gallaecia High School, January / February, Vila Nova de Cerveira; Exhibition of Painting, "Abside", Serpent Gallery, March / April, Oporto; Installation, "The Book is in the Air", in the space of the Library of the Forum of Maia;

2019- Mural Painting Project, in San Sperate, Festival "SANSPERARTE", May, Sardinia, Italy;

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