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Born in Benfeita, in 1953.

Course of the ESBAP.

Participated in more than three dozen individual painting exhibitions and numerous collective exhibitions.

He has done illustrations for books and created set designs for cinema. Has worked as a set designer for several theater groups.

In Theater / Animation, he directed a course in Theater of Dolls and Masks Construction. In R.T.P. (Portuguese National Television Channel), was responsible for the set design and dolls of the series "A Árvore dos Patafúrdios" and "Os Amigos de Gaspar".

Among the theatre plays for which he worked as a set designer and costume designer at the Theater Company of Braga are authors such as Frei Luís de Sousa, by Almeida Garrett, Gil Vicente, R. Pinget, Paul Claudel, John Arden, H. Ibsen, John Osborne , Thomas Bernhard, Bertolt Brecht, Claudel, Regina Guimarães, Molière, Garcia Lorca, Thomas Bernhard, Chekhov, Jose Ananias, Gorki, Hugo Loetcher, Ibsen, Georges Astalos, Samuel Benchetrit, Alexei Chipenko, Maurice Maeterlinck and Mark Twain.

In the scope of the Training and Animation: at the Serralves Foundation, actions on the environmental education, subordinated to the theme Architectures of the Park; in the Azores actions in Ponta Delgada, one entitled Education for Art for prisoners and another on ceramics for returnees; in Maputo (Mozambique) Theater of Shadows; at the Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation (Centrinho) on Apparel, for teachers and at the Oporto Customs on Museum Animators.

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