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Born in Santarém. Actor and professional director since 1975. Artistic director of the Theater Company of Braga. In 1980 he was one of the founders of "CENA", in Oporto, a group that would give rise, in 1984, to the Theater Company of Braga, resident structure of Theatro Circo. He was executive administrator of Theatro Circo, for many years. He joined the secretariat of the 1st FITEI (International Theater Festival of Iberian Expression). He was president of the secretariat of the Technical and Artistic Association of Theater Decentralization (Associação Técnica e Artística de Descentralização Teatral - ATADT). At the invitation of the Ministry of Culture he joined a working group to study the situation of theater in Portugal (1996) and the Reading Committee for Portugal of the international project "Pretexte", L' Association Française Action Artistique (A.F.A.A.). He was a member of the Board of Directors of the European Association Villes et Cinéma de L'Europe. He presided over the Board of Directors of the Bracara Augusta Cultural Foundation, which includes the Municipality, the Minho and Catholic Universities and the Cabido da Sé. He was the director of the Correio do Minho newspaper. At the Catholic University of Braga he lectured in the Course of Artistic and Cultural Studies and regularly continues to participate as a teacher in training courses in Portugal and abroad. He was vice-president of the Lusófona Scene (association for the theatrical development in the space of the lusophony) He participates frequently in cinema and television, having participated like actor and director in more than 130 creations. He worked in the theater with directors such as Mário Barradas, Luis Varela, Júlio Cardoso, Stefan Stroux, Jean Pierrre Sarrazac, Robert Pinget, Manoel Guede-Oliva, Anna Langhoff, Georg Astalos, Alexej Schipenko, among other national and foreign personalities. And in cinema with Rui Ramos, Saguenail, Acácio de Almeida, Jorge Silva Melo, Christine Laurent, on television, after some work in the early eighties, he returned to participate in series and telefilms again in Portugal and Angola. He has worked in theater in Portugal, Spain, France, Germany, Italy, Ukraine, Romania, Brazil, Angola, São Tomé, Mozambique. It was awarded the Silver Medal of Cultural Merit of the Municipality of Braga. He is a career award at the Bernardo Santareno Theater Institute. He is a member of the Cultural Council of the Municipality of Braga. It has the honorary title of AMICUS ROMANIAE, of the Romanian Cultural Institute.

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