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de Jeffrey Hatcher

122nd Production · 2014

It was also in the alternative space that the TAPA Group, brought by the Cena Lusófona, presented three pieces of their repertoire. Thirteen years are gone. Since then, the Theatro Circo has ceased to be a hole in the earth and has been reborn in all its splendor, where in 2012  I had the opportunity to present 12 Men and one Verdict in the main room and Speaking Portraits in the smaller room, both directed by me. During this time many meetings and conversations between the Braga Theater Company and the TAPA group finally generate "A Picasso", a discussion about the meaning and responsibility of art in the period in which we live, a recurring theme in the dialogue of these two groups. This is how Ana and then Solange, Rui and I embarked on this journey that begins now and hopefully is as long as possible.

Eduardo Tolentino de Araújo

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